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"I started having sessions with Marta, during a turbulent period in my life. She helped me find inner strength and confidence. This allowed me to make difficult decisions, which would otherwise have been impossible. During the therapy, I have had the freedom to discuss everything about me. After each session, I have felt happier. Initially, I had regular sessions. As I have got better, Marta has been amazing providing sessions when things have got too much at home or at work or during COVID. I would massively recommend her to help you if you are going through a bad patch in your life. You will come out of your session in a happier frame of mind and at peace with yourself."

44 years old,  working mother of  2,  neurologist

"I knew I needed to start therapy when I wasn’t able to have the radio on when I was on my own driving home from work. The ‘noise’ inside my head had reached such a level that I could only sit in silence. I had become so unhappy and so desperate without realising it, becoming a person that I did not like. I was putting myself in messy situations, emotionally tangling myself up and could see no way out. I felt like a rat that was scurrying along from one dark place to another. My unhappiness had been with me for a while. So long, in fact, that I could no longer see it. It had become a part of me. Having therapy gave me the space to look at everything. to emotional unravel and then put myself back together again. To understand finally that it was up to me to take control and make some painful but very necessary changes. I was able to grant myself permission and began to realise that it was ‘okay’ for me to be happy. Therapy allowed me to work out that it was something that I was entitled to. It was the emotional rock that I clung to whilst I changed my life. I felt supported and by using various exercises I got there and have now become well equipped. I have all the tools at my disposal to break the negative patterns that existed in my life. Things are very good now and the radio is back on with me singing loudly along."

35 years old, female - photograp​hic producer

"Marta's sensitivity to the needs of all of us - children and adults - was extraordinary, delicately helping us as individuals and as a family. Being in therapy sounds like something out of a Woody Allen film, but in a very practical way it has profoundly changed everything in our home. Our son is now so much more able to achieve his potential and the dynamics between our two children are so much more peaceful."

 44 years old, father / producer, married with two children (age 13 and 10 years old)       

"I saw Marta a few times, following the break up of my marriage. I wanted to examine issues from my childhood, and to understand how they had an ongoing impact on my relationships. I had regression therapy which helped me revisit my childhood in situ. It felt like a lot was achieved in such a short space of time. I feel much less burdened by the past as a result, and much more assertive and confident.

Marta is a very warm, compassionate, kind and inspiring person. I felt safe and reassured even during regression. I would not hesitate in recommending her for any one."

42 years old, working mother, divorced with 2 children (age 9 and 5 years old)

"Marta helped me talk about things when my mum and dad were divorcing. She made it fun, and I liked seeing her every week. She was kind and funny."

9 year old girl, parents divorced

"I’d reached a point in my life where I felt desperately unhappy because of the thoughts that dominated my mind. I was tired of feeling this way and had tried anti-depressants but they didn’t give me a long term solution. It was obvious to me that I wasn’t capable of achieving a change in my thought process by myself and as far as I was concerned the only long term solution to my problems was to seek the support of a professional.  

When I first began having regression therapy it was quite hard work because my problems didn’t disappear as quickly as I’d naively predicted, but I preserved. Some positive results were apparent early on; I saved up my strange thoughts to share with my therapist and stopped boring my friends with my problems. I felt good about myself because I had taken responsibility for my own life and was beginning to deal with it in a much more positive and useful way.

Now two years on I have a wealth of practical tools which I learnt from my therapy sessions, that I use on a daily basis to live a happier and more fulfilled life. I learnt how to set goals and targets and began to think about the future I wanted and could have. I don’t panic any more, I eat well and can drink moderately, I like myself and thus self destructive behaviour is in the past.

I don’t ever want to stop learning how to look after myself."

31 years old, female - teacher

"At first seeing Marta I was a bit apprehensive, especially at seeing a woman and telling her my problems. She soon put me at ease and I felt totally comfortable with her. I am now able to see a lot more clearly, understand life in lots of different ways and I've also learnt a lot about myself!"

35 year old, male - recovered addict

"I found working with Marta very beneficial, helping to explain and identify some of my deep routed compulsive habits and thought patterns. During the time we had sessions together I found the strength to make some major changes in both my personal and professional life making the decision to leave my employer after 12 years of working together and to act upon that decision overcoming feelings of low self-esteem and frustration. Within a week of handing in my resignation I managed to source a new job in my preferred industry, doubling my salary and inevitably re-confirming my faith in my self worth which I believe I have regained through therapy.

Also I managed to shake my personal relationship back on track, realising the importance to communicate and express my needs and frustrations with my husband and have been able to identify the changes that were necessary to keep my family together. My inability to express myself seems to have repeated through many of my past life regression sessions.

Marta’s sessions, analysis and suggestions have been very valuable to me and in turn to my family."

42 year old, female - married with children, Media Producer

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