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Group Past Life Exploration

We all come into each lifetime carrying baggage from past lives, minus the conscious memory of its contents. One´s simply not aware how these events from the past are still significantly influencing the present reality.

In a Group Past Life Regression, you will have the opportunity to experience a past life: you will be guided to explore, identify and let go of old patterns that are still impacting your relationships, your confidence, your self esteem. 

The benefit of being part of a group will be not only sharing the experience itself but also getting support and validation from the other members of the group. You will have the opportunity to learn about other lives, stories, unique existences that will add depth and understanding of your own life.

Group Past Life Regression terms and conditions

Group: Max 6 people. If you would like to be part of a group session but are not able to create your own group, do let me know. Every so often I will be creating group sessions. Alternatively please consider the Monthly Workshops.

Duration: 2h30m

Cost and Payment: £300 per group.

Payment is either made in advance by bank transference or cash on the day of the session.

If you have any questions or would like to book please free feel to contact me.

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